Author: cgbadmin
S03E03 – Your Voice is Like An Onion
Ashley and Franky dive into a second take of a fabulous discussion (but the one here is only a tribute) and go over their exploits in Splatoon 2, Hey! Pikmin, Hyper Light Drifter, and Blaster Master Zero.
S03E02 – Dragging This Out Until You Wish We Were Dead
After a BUNCH of excuses – We finally have a podcast to share with you. Unfortunately, I still don’t have video for the old one, but many things are a-foot! Also, SPOILER WARNING for Breath of the Wild commences at 42 minutes!
S03E01 – Reawakening
You can listen to or download our revival episode hot off the presses in which Xambot and franky1029 discuss the latest craze – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Be Warned! There are minor spoilers abound!